import os from configparser import ConfigParser config_path = "/home/mark/projects/email-scripts/config.ini" config = ConfigParser() if os.path.isfile(config_path): else: if input("Config file not found, create one? (y/n)") == "y": config_dict = {"email": {}, "database": {}, "weather": {}, "news": {}} config_dict["email"]["server"] = input("Email server: ").strip() config_dict["email"]["port"] = input("Email port: ").strip() config_dict["email"]["name"] = input("Email name: ").strip() config_dict["email"]["user"] = input("Email username name: ").strip() config_dict["email"]["pass"] = input("Email password: ").strip() if input("Configure database? (y/n)") == "y": config_dict["database"]["db"] = input("DB name: ").strip() config_dict["database"]["user"] = input("DB user: ").strip() config_dict["database"]["pass"] = input("DB password: ").strip() if input("Configure weather? (y/n)") == "y": config_dict["weather"]["lat"] = input("Latitude: ").strip() config_dict["weather"]["long"] = input("Longitude: ").strip() if input("Configure century old news? (y/n)") == "y": print("Go to and find a newspaper to follow") print("Open the issue for that newspaper, and replace the date in the URL with %%s") config_dict["news"]["urls"] = input("Enter URLs formatted as described above, comma seperated: ").strip() config_dict["news"]["names"] = input("Enter names for each respective URL, comma seperated: ").strip() input("Press enter to save config") config.read_dict(config_dict) with open(config_path, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile)