import smtplib import imaplib import email from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import formatdate from email.header import decode_header from config import config def send(frm, name, to, subject, body, subtype="plain"): """Send a email to the given address, from the given address and name with the subject and body """ try: server = smtplib.SMTP(config["email"]["server"], int(config["email"]["port"])) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.login(config["email"]["user"], config["email"]["pass"]) frm = "%s <%s>" % (name, frm) e = MIMEText(body, subtype) e['Subject'] = subject e['From'] = frm e['To'] = to e.add_header('Date', formatdate()) server.sendmail(frm, to, e.as_string()) except Exception as e: print("error") print(e) def get_subject(msg): subject = decode_header(msg["Subject"])[0][0] if isinstance(subject, bytes): subject = subject.decode() return subject def get_body(msg): if msg.is_multipart(): body = "" for part in msg.walk(): try: # get the email body body += part.get_payload(decode=True).decode() except: pass else: body = msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode() return body def get_from(msg): return msg.get("From") def get_date(msg): return msg.get("Date") def get_content_type(msg): return msg.get_content_type() def set_unseen(imap, idx):, '-FLAGS', '\\SEEN') def get_what(msg, what): ret = {} if "subject" in what: ret["subject"] = get_subject(msg) if "body" in what: ret["body"] = get_body(msg) if "from" in what: ret["from"] = get_from(msg) if "content_type" in what: ret["content_type"] = get_content_type(msg) if "date" in what: ret["date"] = get_date(msg) return ret def parse(imap, index, check_what, criteria, return_what): res, msg = imap.fetch(index, "(RFC822)") for response in msg: if isinstance(response, tuple): msg = email.message_from_bytes(response[1]) if criteria in get_what(msg, check_what)[check_what]: return get_what(msg, return_what) def filter_unread(check_what, criteria, return_what): """ check if the field 'check_what' contains the given criteria, and if so return a list of the field 'return_what' """ imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(config["email"]["server"]) imap.login(config["email"]["user"], config["email"]["pass"]) status, messages ="INBOX") status, response =, '(UNSEEN)') unread_msg_nums = response[0].split() ret = [] for i in unread_msg_nums: parse_return = parse(imap, i, check_what, criteria, return_what) if parse_return is not None: ret.append(parse_return) set_unseen(imap, i) imap.close() imap.logout() return ret