import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import formatdate import pymysql import sys import email_helper from config import config def get_last_sent_update(cursor): cursor.execute("SELECT last_update FROM updates;") return cursor.fetchone()[0] def get_later_post(cursor, last): cursor.execute("SELECT id,type FROM posts where id > " + str(last) +" ORDER BY id asc") return cursor.fetchone() def set_last_sent_update(cursor, db, post_id): cursor.execute("UPDATE updates SET last_update=" + str(post_id)+ " where id=1") db.commit() def get_emails(cursor): cursor.execute("SELECT name, address FROM emails") return cursor.fetchall() def add_update(cursor, db, post_id): cursor.execute("insert into updates values (1, " +str(post_id)+", NOW())") db.commit() def handle_update(): """ Check for a new post on my website and email everyone on the list if there is one. """ db = pymysql.connect("localhost", config["database"]["user"], config["database"]["pass"], config["database"]["db"]) cursor = db.cursor() last = get_last_sent_update(cursor) new_post = get_later_post(cursor, last) if not new_post: print("no new post") sys.exit() if new_post[1] == 'index': print("ignoring index post") sys.exit() print(new_post) set_last_sent_update(cursor, db, new_post[0]) emails = get_emails(cursor) name = config["email"]["name"] frm = config["email"]["user"] subject = " update" for email in emails: to = email[1] body = """ Hi """ + email[0] + """! There is a new post on! Check it out:"""+new_post[1]+"""/"""+str(new_post[0])+""" Mark ( """ email_helper.send(frm, name, to, subject, body) add_update(cursor, db, new_post[0]) db.close() if __name__ == "__main__": handle_update()