var username = undefined; // for saving score function draw() { switch(gameState){ case "title": draw_title(); break; case "main": draw_main(); break; case "event": draw_event(); break; case "shop": draw_shop(); break; case "status": draw_status(); break; case "event_result": draw_event_result(); break; case "shop_result": draw_shop_result(); break; case "options": draw_options(); break; case "gameover": draw_gameover(); break; case "win": draw_win(); break; case "setup": draw_setup(); break; } } function draw_setup(){ color(3); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); var names = party.reduce( (acc, el) => { if(acc == ""){ return } else { return `${acc}, ${}` } }, "") let text = `You are a space trucker in the distant year 2019. Your latest mission: transport essential cargo from Octilion to a new colony on Replaris. Without a shipment of goods within the next Earth-year, they won't survive. You assemble your most able crew: ${names}.`; font(8, text, 3, 7, true); font(8, ")press any key)", 30, height - 2); } function draw_win(){ color(3); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); // game over text font(12, "You've arrived!", 3, 12); font(8, "Score:", 3, 24); font(8, `${getAliveMembers().length} alive members * 400`, 3, 34); font(8, `${ship.cargo} tons of cargo * 100`, 3, 44); font(8, `${Math.floor(ship.credits)} credits`, 3, 54); font(8, `Took ${ship.current_day} days )${10*(350-ship.current_day)})`, 3, 64); var total = getAliveMembers().length*400 + ship.cargo*100 + ship.credits + (10*(350-ship.current_day)); font(8, `Total: ${Math.floor(total)}`, 3, 120); // set score if(!submittedScore){ username = submitScore("cosmic cargo", total, username); submittedScore = true } } function draw_gameover(){ // background color(3); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); // game over text font(12, "Game over!", 3, 12); let allDead = getAliveMembers().length == 0; if(allDead){ font(8, "Your crew all died", 3, 24); } else { font(8, "You ran out of fuel", 3, 24); } font(8, "Score:", 3, 44); font(8, `${Math.floor(ship.credits)} credits`, 3, 54); font(8, `Took ${ship.current_day} days`, 3, 64); var total = ship.credits + ship.current_day; font(8, `Total: ${Math.floor(total)}`, 3, 120); if(!submittedScore){ username = submitScore("cosmic cargo", total, username); submittedScore = true } } function draw_stars(w, h){ color(1); for(var x = 0; x < w; x++){ for(var y = 0; y < h; y++){ let chance = 1; // chance% of drawing a star if(random_chance(0.01)){ ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1); } } } } function draw_title(){ // background color(3); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); // stars draw_stars(width, height); // title font(13, "COSMIC CARGO", 5, 20); font(8, "A space trucking game", 3, 30); // Only display this if the game is loaded if(imagesLoaded){ font(8, ")press any key)", 27, height - 20); } } function draw_main(){ // background color(3); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); // ship rectangle draw_stars(width, height/2); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = "2"; ctx.rect(1, height/2, width-2, height/2 -1); ctx.stroke(); // ship if(t % 6 < 3){ ctx.drawImage(images["ship1"], 20, 28); } else { ctx.drawImage(images["ship2"], 20, 28); } // map ctx.drawImage(images["map"], 0, height/2); // map rectangle color(1) // Day and distance notification font(8, `Day ${ship.current_day}`, 3, 82); font(8, `${Math.floor(ship.fuel)} Fuel`, 3, 129); font(8, `${ship.distance} lightyears`, 3, 139); // map progress color(0); ctx.lineWidth = "1"; // Draw dashed ctx.setLineDash([2]) ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(9, 104) ctx.lineTo(43, 92) ctx.lineTo(76, 112) ctx.lineTo(98, 81) ctx.lineTo(147, 103) ctx.stroke(); // Draw indicators ctx.beginPath(); var coords = line_to_from_progress(.11, 43, 92, 76, 112); ctx.arc(coords[0], coords[1], 1.5, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); coords = line_to_from_progress(.11, 98, 81, 147, 103); ctx.arc(coords[0], coords[1], 1.5, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); // Planet 1 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(9, 104, 1.5, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); // Planet 2 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(43, 92, 1.5, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); // Planet 3 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(76, 112, 1.5, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); // Planet 4 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(98, 81, 1.5, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); // Planet 5 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(147, 103, 1.5, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); // Draw solid on top let progress = ship.distance / ship.end_distance; ctx.setLineDash([0]) ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(9, 104) var shipCoords = [-20, -20]; if(progress < 0.25){ shipCoords = line_to_from_progress(progress, 9, 104, 43, 92); ctx.lineTo(shipCoords[0], shipCoords[1]) } else { ctx.lineTo(43, 92) if (progress < 0.5){ shipCoords = line_to_from_progress(progress - .25, 43, 92, 76, 112); ctx.lineTo(shipCoords[0], shipCoords[1]) } else { ctx.lineTo(76, 112) if(progress < 0.75){ shipCoords = line_to_from_progress(progress - .5, 76, 112, 98, 81); ctx.lineTo(shipCoords[0], shipCoords[1]) } else { ctx.lineTo(98, 81) shipCoords = line_to_from_progress(progress - .75, 98, 81, 147, 103); ctx.lineTo(shipCoords[0], shipCoords[1]) } } } ctx.stroke(); draw_ship_indicator(shipCoords); } function draw_ship_indicator(coords){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(coords[0], coords[1], 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); } function line_to_from_progress(norm_progress, x1, y1, x2, y2){ var newX = x1 + (x2-x1)*4*norm_progress var newY = y1 + (y2-y1)*4*norm_progress return [newX, newY] } function draw_event(){ // background color(3); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); font(12, `${}`, 3, 13); font(8, `${currentEvent.desc}`, 3, 25, true); let choices = get_choices(currentEvent) var i = 0; for(let choice of choices){ font(8, choice, 10, 100 + 10*i); if(selectedChoice == i){ font(8, `~`, 3, 100 + 10*i); } i++; } } function draw_options(){ // background color(3); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); font(12, `Adjust volume`, 5, 13); let music_volume = `${audio[music[0]].volume*100}`.replace(/\.\d*/,"") let sfx_volume = `${audio[sfx[0]].volume*100}`.replace(/\.\d*/,"") font(8, `MUSIC: ${(music_volume)}`, 10, 22); if(selectedChoice == 0){ font(8, `~`, 4, 22); } font(8, `SFX: ${sfx_volume}`, 10, 32); if(selectedChoice == 1){ font(8, `~`, 4, 32); } } function draw_status(){ // background color(3); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); // person list var i = 0; for(let person of party){ var c = 2 if(person.status == "Dead" || person.status == "Missing"){ c = 0 } font(8,, 3, 7 + 12*i, false, c); font(8, person.status, 100, 7 + 12*i, false, c); i++; } font(8, `Cargo: ${ship.cargo} tons`, 3, 106); font(8, `Credits: ${ship.credits}`, 3, 118); font(8, `Fuel: ${Math.floor(ship.fuel)}`, 3, 130); font(8, `Day ${ship.current_day}`, 3, 142); font(8, `${ship.distance} of ${ship.end_distance}`, 75, 142); } function draw_shop(){ // background color(3); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); font(12, "Shop", 3, 13); font(8, `Welcome to ${}! Enjoy your stay!`, 3, 25, true); let choices = shop_choices(currentShop); var i = 0; for(let choice of choices){ font(8, choice, 10, 100 + 10*i); if(selectedChoice == i){ font(8, `~`, 4, 100 + 10*i); } i++; } } function draw_event_result(){ // background color(3); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); font(8, `${eventResult}`, 3, 11, true); font(8, ")press any key)", 26, height - 8); } function draw_shop_result(){ // background color(3); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); font(8, `${shopResult}`, 3, 11, true); font(8, ")press any key)", 26, height - 8); } function split_into_parts(what, size){ var parts = []; var line = ""; for(var word of what.split(" ")){ if(line.length + word.length > size){ parts.push(line.trim()); line = ""; } line += " " + word; } if(line){ parts.push(line); } return parts; } function font(size, what, x, y, wrap = false, c = 2) { ctx.font = size + "px Gameboy"; color(c); if(wrap){ // Match up to 22 characters, making sure to not end a line mid word //var parts = what.match(/.{1,21}[\b\.'\?\)]/g); var parts = split_into_parts(what, 21); parts.forEach((element, i) => { ctx.fillText(element.trim(), x, y + i*size); }); } else { ctx.fillText(what, x, y); } } function color(c) { var color = ""; switch (c){ case 0: color = "#FA0000"; break; case 1: color = "#b4b4b4"; break; case 2: color = "#fafafa"; break; case 3: color = "#000000"; break; } ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.strokeStyle = color; } function loadImages(imagefiles) { loadcount = 0; loadtotal = imagefiles.length; imagesLoaded = false; // Load the images var loadedimages = []; for (var i=0; i