const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4'); const words = require('./words').words; const prompts = require('./prompts').prompts; function setUpRoutes(server, models, jwtFunctions, database) { // simple send files server.get('/quiz-bunny', (req, res) => res.sendFile(__dirname + "/index.html")) server.get('/quiz-bunny/main.js', (req, res) => res.sendFile(__dirname + "/static/main.js")) server.get('/quiz-bunny/styles.css', (req, res) => res.sendFile(__dirname + "/static/styles.css")) server.get('/quiz-bunny/bunny.jpg', (req, res) => res.sendFile(__dirname + "/static/bunny.jpg")) // a list of games var games = [] let STATES = { TYPING: 0, VOTING: 1, OVER: 2, WAITING: 3, } // generates a game code function generateGameCode() { // let words = ["cat", "dog"]; var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length) // ensure no duplicate game code while (games.find(el => el.gameCode == words[index].toLowerCase())) { var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length) } return words[index].toLowerCase() } // gets a new game object function getNewGame(hostCookie, hostName) { let gameCode = generateGameCode(); return { host: hostCookie, players: [{ cookie: hostCookie, name: hostName }], gameCode: gameCode, maxRound: 8 } } // adds a player to a game object function addToGame(gameCode, playerCookie, playerName) { let game = games.find(el => el.gameCode == gameCode) if (game) { game.players.push({ cookie: playerCookie, name: playerName }) return true } return false } function findGameByCookie(cookie) { return games.find(el => el.players.some(player => player.cookie == cookie)) } function findPlayerByCookie(game, cookie) { return game.players.find(player => player.cookie == cookie) } function getPlayerNames(players) { // return => return => { return { name:, ready: player.ready } }) } // Turn the game into a public game object (no cookies, etc.) function getPublicGame(cookie) { var game = findGameByCookie(cookie) if (!game) { return { message: "no game active" } } else { let isHost = cookie == let username = game.players.find(player => player.cookie == cookie).name let players = getPlayerNames(game.players) // console.log(players) var newGame = { host: isHost, players: players, name: username, gameCode: game.gameCode, gameStarted: game.gameStarted, state: game.state, round: game.round, maxRound: game.maxRound } if (game.state == STATES.TYPING) { newGame.submitted = game.answers.some(answer => answer.cookie == cookie) newGame.prompt = game.prompts[game.round] newGame.players.forEach(player => { var playerWithCookie = game.players.find(p => { return == }) if (game.answers.some(answer => answer.cookie == playerWithCookie.cookie)) { player.ready = true } else { player.ready = false } }) } else if (game.state == STATES.VOTING) { newGame.answers = => answer.text) newGame.prompt = game.prompts[game.round] var game = findGameByCookie(cookie) var player = findPlayerByCookie(game, cookie) newGame.voted = player.voted newGame.players.forEach(player => { var playerWithCookie = game.players.find(p => { return == }) player.ready = playerWithCookie.voted }) } else if (game.state == STATES.WAITING) { newGame.answers = => { return { text: answer.text, voteCount: answer.votes.length, voteNames: =>, name: findPlayerByCookie(game, answer.cookie).name } }) newGame.prompt = game.prompts[game.round] var game = findGameByCookie(cookie) var player = findPlayerByCookie(game, cookie) newGame.ready = player.ready } else if (game.state == STATES.OVER) { var scores = => { return { name:, score: player.score } }) // sort scores.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score); newGame.scores = scores } return newGame } } function shuffle(a) { var j, x, i; for (i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); x = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = x; } return a; } function getRandomPlayer(stack, playersList) { if (stack.length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < playersList.length; i++) { stack.push(playersList[i]) } shuffle(stack) } return stack.shift() } // gets a game prompt function getPrompts(playerNames, size) { var gamePrompts = [] var stack = [] while (gamePrompts.length < size) { var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * prompts.length) var prompt = prompts[randomIndex] while (prompt.includes("@")) { prompt = prompt.replace("@", getRandomPlayer(stack, playerNames)) } if (gamePrompts.indexOf(prompt) == -1) { gamePrompts.push(prompt) } } return gamePrompts } // marks the game as started function startGame(cookie) { let game = games.find(el => == cookie) if (game && game.players.length >= 2) { game.gameStarted = true var playerNames = => game.prompts = getPrompts(playerNames, game.maxRound) game.round = 0; game.players.forEach(player => { player.score = 0 }) game.state = STATES.TYPING startRound(game); return true } else { return false } } function startRound(game) { // keep track of votes game.players.forEach(player => { player.voted = false }) game.answers = [] game.state = STATES.TYPING } function submitAnswer(cookie, text) { let game = findGameByCookie(cookie) if (!game.answers.some(answer => answer.cookie == cookie)) { game.answers.push({ text: text, cookie: cookie }) } if (game.answers.length == game.players.length) { startVoting(game) } } function startVoting(game) { game.state = STATES.VOTING game.answers.forEach(answer => { answer.votes = [] }) game.voteCount = 0 } function endVoting(game) { game.state = STATES.WAITING game.players.forEach(player => { player.ready = false }) game.answers.forEach(answer => { var player = findPlayerByCookie(game, answer.cookie) player.score += answer.votes.length // extra points for high scoring answer if (answer.votes.length >= 3) { player.score += 2 } }) } function endRound(game) { game.round += 1 if (game.round >= game.prompts.length) { game.state = STATES.OVER } else { startRound(game) } } // player with cookie votes for answer function voteFor(cookie, answerIndex) { let game = findGameByCookie(cookie) let playerWhoVoted = findPlayerByCookie(game, cookie) let answer = game.answers[answerIndex] // If already voted, or voted for self, ignore if (playerWhoVoted.voted || answer.cookie == cookie) { return false } playerWhoVoted.voted = true answer.votes.push(playerWhoVoted) game.voteCount++ if (game.voteCount == game.players.length) { endVoting(game) } return true } function ready(cookie) { let game = findGameByCookie(cookie) let player = findPlayerByCookie(game, cookie) player.ready = true if (game.players.every(player => player.ready)) { endRound(game) } } // Requested by host once server.get('/quiz-bunny/host-game', (req, res, next) => { let cookie = req.cookies.session; if (!cookie) { cookie = uuidv4(); res.cookie('session', cookie, { expires: new Date( + (1000 * 60 * 60)) }); } let username = var game = getNewGame(cookie, username) games.push(game) res.status(200).send(getPublicGame(cookie)) }) // Requested by players joining from game code server.get('/quiz-bunny/join-game', (req, res, next) => { let cookie = req.cookies.session; if (!cookie) { cookie = uuidv4(); res.cookie('session', cookie, { expires: new Date( + (1000 * 60 * 60)) }); } let username = let code = req.query.code if (addToGame(code, cookie, username)) { res.status(200).send(getPublicGame(cookie)) } else { res.status(200).send({ message: "Invalid game code" }) } }) // starts the game server.get('/quiz-bunny/start-game', (req, res, next) => { let cookie = req.cookies.session; if (!cookie || !startGame(cookie)) { res.status(400).send({ message: "you cannot start a game" }); } else { res.status(200).send(getPublicGame(cookie)) } }) // constantly requested by client while in lobby server.get('/quiz-bunny/lobby-status', (req, res, next) => { let cookie = req.cookies.session; if (!cookie) { res.status(400).send({ message: "you are not in a game" }); } else { res.status(200).send(getPublicGame(cookie)) } }) // constantly requested by client while game started server.get('/quiz-bunny/game-status', (req, res, next) => { // TODO let cookie = req.cookies.session; if (!cookie) { res.status(400).send({ message: "you are not in a game" }); } else { var game = findGameByCookie(cookie) res.status(200).send(getPublicGame(cookie)) // if(game.state == STATES.TYPING) { // } else if(game.state == STATES.VOTING) { // } else if(game.state == STATES.WAITING) { // } } }) server.get('/quiz-bunny/vote', (req, res, next) => { let cookie = req.cookies.session; if (!cookie || req.query.index == undefined) { res.status(400).send({ message: "you are not in a game" }); } else { voteFor(cookie, req.query.index) res.status(200).send() } }) server.get('/quiz-bunny/submit', (req, res, next) => { let cookie = req.cookies.session; if (!cookie || req.query.text == undefined) { res.status(400).send({ message: "you are not in a game" }); } else { submitAnswer(cookie, req.query.text) res.status(200).send() } }) server.get('/quiz-bunny/ready', (req, res, next) => { let cookie = req.cookies.session; if (!cookie) { res.status(400).send({ message: "you are not in a game" }); } else { ready(cookie) res.status(200).send() } }) server.get('/quiz-bunny/ready', (req, res, next) => { let cookie = req.cookies.session; if (!cookie) { res.status(400).send({ message: "you are not in a game" }); } else { ready(cookie) res.status(200).send() } }) server.get('/quiz-bunny/leave', (req, res, next) => { let cookie = req.cookies.session; if (!cookie) { res.status(400).send({ message: "you are not in a game" }); } else { var game = findGameByCookie(cookie) game.players = game.players.filter(player => player.cookie != cookie) if (game.players.length == 0) { games = games.filter(g => g != game) } res.status(200).send() } }) } module.exports = { setUpRoutes };