services: kitchen: build: ./markskitchen.git/ restart: always depends_on: - kitchen_db environment: {% for key, value in kitchen_env.items() %} - {{ key }}={{ value }} {% endfor %} labels: {% with router_name="kitchenv1", host_prefix="v1", container_port="8080" %} {% include "util/traefik_labels.txt.j2" %} {% endwith %} kitchen_db: image: mariadb restart: always environment: {% for key, value in kitchen_env.items() %} - {{ key }}={{ value }} {% endfor %} volumes: - ./data/kitchen_db:/var/lib/mysql games: build: ./games.git/ restart: always environment: {% for key, value in games_env.items() %} - {{ key }}={{ value }} {% endfor %} labels: {% with router_name="games", host_prefix="games", container_port="8080" %} {% include "util/traefik_labels.txt.j2" %} {% endwith %}