#!/usr/bin/env python3 import main import curses from curses import wrapper def pager(stdscr, lst): ''' Runs a pager for each string item in lst ''' cols = stdscr.getmaxyx()[1] rows = stdscr.getmaxyx()[0] offset = 0 selected = 0 while True: stdscr.clear() for i in range(min(rows-1, len(lst))): x = lst[i+offset] if i+offset == selected: stdscr.addstr(i, 0, x[:cols], curses.A_UNDERLINE) else: stdscr.addstr(i, 0, x[:cols]) if offset == 0: stdscr.addstr(rows-1, 0, "--top--", curses.A_REVERSE) elif offset + rows <= len(lst): stdscr.addstr(rows-1, 0, "--more--", curses.A_REVERSE) else: stdscr.addstr(rows-1, 0, "--end--", curses.A_REVERSE) k = stdscr.getch() if k == curses.KEY_DOWN or k == ord('j'): selected = min(len(lst), selected+1) if (selected - offset) > (2 * rows / 3): offset = min(len(lst)-rows+1, offset+1) elif k == curses.KEY_UP or k == ord('k'): selected = max(0, selected-1) if (selected - offset) < (rows / 3): offset = max(0, offset-1) elif k == curses.KEY_NPAGE: offset = min(len(lst)-rows+1, offset+rows-2) selected = min(len(lst)-rows+1, selected+rows-2) elif k == curses.KEY_PPAGE: offset = max(0, offset-rows+2) selected = max(0, selected-rows+2) elif k == curses.KEY_HOME: offset = 0 selected = 0 elif k == curses.KEY_END: offset = len(lst)-rows+1 selected = len(lst)-1 elif k == curses.KEY_ENTER or k == 10: return {"index": selected, "action": "select"} elif k == ord('q'): return {"index": selected, "action": "quit"} elif k == ord('e'): return {"index": selected, "action": "edit"} elif k == ord('c'): return {"index": selected, "action": "create"} elif k == ord('t'): return {"index": selected, "action": "today"} stdscr.refresh() def enter_value(stdscr, prefix, row): """ Creates a prompt to enter a value on the given row """ title = "" stdscr.addstr(row,0, prefix + title) k = stdscr.getch() while k != 10 and k != curses.KEY_ENTER: if k in (curses.KEY_BACKSPACE, '\b', '\x7f'): if len(title) > 0: title = title[:-1] else: title += chr(k) stdscr.deleteln() stdscr.addstr(row,0, prefix + title) k = stdscr.getch() return title def m(stdscr): """ The main method for the ncurses wrapper """ items = main.get_tree("") while True: ret = pager(stdscr, [x["path"] + "\t" + x["title"] for x in items]) if ret["action"] == "select": selected = items[ret["index"]] ret = pager(stdscr, main.get_single_page(selected["path"])["content"].split("\n")) elif ret["action"] == "edit": selected = items[ret["index"]] main.edit({"path":selected["path"], "save": True}) elif ret["action"] == "create": stdscr.clear() title = enter_value(stdscr, "Enter title: ", 0) path = enter_value(stdscr, "Enter path: ", 1) main.create({"path": path, "title": title}) elif ret["action"] == "today": main.today({}) else: break # Run the ncurses wrapper try: wrapper(m) except Exception as e: raise e