import sys import subprocess import time import os import difflib from datetime import datetime, timedelta from wikijscmd import graphql_queries from wikijscmd.config import config from wikijscmd.util import clean_filename, get_tree, open_editor, get_single_page, print_item, args_for_date def create(path, title, content=None, edit=False): page = get_single_page(path) if page is not None: print("Page already exists with path: %s" % path) if input("Edit it? (y/n) ") == "y": edit(path) return if content is None: content = "" # Edit if requested or no content was supplied if edit or not content: content = open_editor("create", path, content) if content: response = graphql_queries.create_page(content, title, path) result = response["data"]["pages"]["create"]["responseResult"] if not result["succeeded"]: print("Error!", result["message"]) sys.exit(1) print(result["message"]) else: print("No content") def tree(regex): """ Finds pages based on a path search """ for item in get_tree(regex): print_item(item) def single(path, raw=False): """ View a page with the given path """ page = get_single_page(path) if page is None: print("No page with path: %s" % path) sys.exit(1) if raw: print("-" * 80) print_item(page) print("-" * 80) print(page["content"]) def move(source, dest): """ Move a page from one path to another """ page = get_single_page(source) if page is None: print("Source page %s does not exist" % source) sys.exit(1) response = graphql_queries.move_page(page["id"], dest) result = response["data"]["pages"]["move"]["responseResult"] if not result["succeeded"]: print("Error!", result["message"]) sys.exit(1) print(result["message"]) def edit(path, save=False): """ Edit a page """ page = get_single_page(path) if page is None: print("No page with path: %s" % path) if input("Create it? (y/n) ") == "y": title = input("Enter the title: ").strip() create(path, title) return body = page["content"] # Open it in editor new_body = open_editor("edit", path, body) # Prompt user to save it to the wiki print_item(page) print("-" * 80) print("".join(difflib.unified_diff( body.splitlines(keepends=True), new_body.splitlines(keepends=True) ))) print("-" * 80) if save or input("Save changes? (y/n) ") == "y": response = graphql_queries.edit_page(page["id"], new_body, page["title"], page["path"]) result = response["data"]["pages"]["update"]["responseResult"] if not result["succeeded"]: print("Error!", result["message"]) sys.exit(1) print(result["message"]) def latest_journal_entry(print_result=True): last_date = None for page in get_tree("journal"): try: date = datetime.strptime(page["path"], "journal/%Y/%b/%d") if last_date is None or date > last_date: last_date = date except ValueError: continue if print_result: print(last_date) return last_date def fill_in_pages(): last_date = latest_journal_entry(print_result=False) today = if last_date is None: last_date = today pending_date = while pending_date < today: pending_date += timedelta(days=1) create(**args_for_date(pending_date), edit=True) def today(): """ Creates a journal page with the path "journal/YYYY/MM/DD" """ args = args_for_date( if get_single_page(args["path"]) is not None: edit(args["path"]) else: create(**args) def view(path): """ Opens a journal page in the defaul program """ page = get_single_page(path) if page is None: print("No page with path: %s" % path) sys.exit(1) filename = "/tmp/wikijscmd-"+clean_filename(path)+".md" out_filename = "/tmp/wikijscmd-"+clean_filename(path)+".html" with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(page["content"])["pandoc", filename, "-o", out_filename])["xdg-open", out_filename]) time.sleep(5) os.remove(filename) os.remove(out_filename)