path: root/
diff options
authorMark Powers <>2022-02-23 21:36:34 -0600
committerMark Powers <>2022-02-23 21:36:34 -0600
commit756434779509b63ed07e2eb927bd2ca6e30398c0 (patch)
tree35ffe8b941621da75faae3670e47a78b01dbafed /
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f30ed58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+import on_this_day
+import sys
+import sqlite3
+from datetime import datetime
+from config import config
+from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
+def format_datetime(date):
+ return str(date)
+def generate_item(item):
+ return f"""<item>
+ <title><![CDATA[{item["title"]}]]></title>
+ <description><![CDATA[{item["description"]}]]></description>
+ <link>{config["host"]}/{item["guid"]}</link>
+ <guid isPermaLink="true">{item["guid"]}</guid>
+ <pubDate>{item["createdAt"]}</pubDate>
+ </item>"""
+def generate_feed(items):
+ return f"""<rss version="2.0"><channel>
+ <title>On This Day</title>
+ <description>Daily posts of stuff for today</description>
+ <lastBuildDate>{format_datetime(}</lastBuildDate>
+ {"".join(generate_item(item) for item in items)}
+ </channel></rss>"""
+def generate_ul(items):
+ return f"""<ul>
+ {f"<li>{'</li><li>'.join(items)}</li>"}
+ <ul>"""
+def get_description():
+ list_items = [
+ (on_this_day.get_old_news, "old news"),
+ (on_this_day.get_peanuts, "peanuts"),
+ (on_this_day.get_calvin_and_hobbes, "calvin and hobbes"),
+ (on_this_day.get_today_wikipedia, "wikipedia"),
+ (on_this_day.get_week_holidays, "holiday"),
+ (on_this_day.get_crossword, "crossword"),
+ (on_this_day.year_progress_bar, "year progress"),
+ (on_this_day.get_homepage_links, "homepage links"),
+ ]
+ items = []
+ for func, name in list_items:
+ try:
+ items.append(func())
+ except Exception as e:
+ items.append(f"Error getting {name}")
+ print("Exception:", e)
+ ul = generate_ul(items)
+ div_items = [
+ (on_this_day.get_today_wikiquote, "wikiquote"),
+ (on_this_day.get_thoreau, "thoreau"),
+ ]
+ items = []
+ for func, name in div_items:
+ try:
+ items.append(func())
+ except:
+ items.append(f"Error getting {name}")
+ divs = f"<div>{'</div><div>'.join(items)}</div>"
+ return f"""
+ <h1>On this day</h1>
+ {ul}
+ {divs}
+ """
+def setup(con):
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS items (guid, title, description, createdAt)")
+ con.commit()
+ cur.close()
+def insert_today():
+ con = sqlite3.connect(config["db"])
+ now =
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ cur.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO items values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ (now.isoformat(), str(now), get_description(), format_datetime(now))
+ )
+ con.commit()
+ cur.close()
+def get_all(con):
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ items = []
+ for (guid, title, description, createdAt) in cur.execute("SELECT guid, title, description, createdAt FROM items"):
+ items.append({
+ "guid": guid,
+ "title": title,
+ "description": description,
+ "createdAt": createdAt,
+ })
+ cur.close()
+ return generate_feed(items)
+def get_one_desc(con, guid):
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ description = next(
+ cur.execute("SELECT description FROM items WHERE guid=:guid", {"guid": guid}))[0]
+ cur.close()
+ print(description)
+ return description
+class RssHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args)
+ def do_GET(self):
+ if self.path == "/":
+ self.send_response(200)
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(bytes(get_all(con), "utf-8"))
+ else:
+ guid = self.path[1:]
+ self.send_response(200)
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(bytes(get_one_desc(con, guid), "utf-8"))
+con = None
+def server():
+ print("Starting http server")
+ http = HTTPServer(("", 8000), RssHTTPRequestHandler)
+ print("serving forever")
+ http.serve_forever()
+def test():
+ print(get_description())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ con = sqlite3.connect(config["db"])
+ setup(con)
+ server()
+ elif sys.argv[1] == "insert":
+ insert_today()
+ elif sys.argv[1] == "test":
+ test()