path: root/src/cosmic-cargo/static/main.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cosmic-cargo/static/main.js')
1 files changed, 479 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cosmic-cargo/static/main.js b/src/cosmic-cargo/static/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fb40be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cosmic-cargo/static/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+var gameInterval, canvas, ctx, width, height;
+var t, gameState, ship, party, images, imagesLoaded,
+ currentEvent, lastEventDay,
+ selectedChoice, doAction, eventResult, doneShopping, shopResult, talk_count, talked, submittedScore;
+var FPS = 10;
+window.onload = function () {
+ canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
+ ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
+ document.addEventListener("keydown", keyPush);
+ window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas, false);
+ window.addEventListener('orientationchange', resizeCanvas, false);
+ var imagesArray = loadImages(["Assets/Ship_1.png", "Assets/Ship_2.png", "Assets/Ship_Destroyed.png", "Assets/Map.png"])
+ images = {
+ "ship1": imagesArray[0],
+ "ship2": imagesArray[1],
+ "shipDestroyed": imagesArray[2],
+ "map": imagesArray[3]
+ };
+ init();
+ resizeCanvas();
+function resizeCanvas() {
+ canvas.width = width;
+ canvas.height = height;
+function init() {
+ submittedScore = false;
+ t = 0 // The frame of the game (time basically)
+ lastEventT = 0
+ width = 160
+ height = 144
+ lastEventDay = 1
+ gameState = "title";
+ gameInterval = setInterval(game, 1000 / FPS);
+ doneShopping = false;
+ ship = {
+ fuel: 100,
+ cargo: 50,
+ credits: 1000,
+ distance: 0,
+ end_distance: 3000,
+ speed: 10, // How many lightyears traveled in a day
+ current_day: 1,
+ next_shop: 1,
+ // hostiles / asteroid
+ next_zone: 0,
+ rate: 2.5
+ }
+ party = createParty(6);
+ for(var song of music){
+ audio[song].volume = 0.4
+ }
+ for(var song of sfx){
+ audio[song].volume = 0.1
+ }
+ generate_events();
+ // If Karen is in the Party add the 'Rouge Karen' event
+ for (i = 0; i < party.length; i++){
+ if (party[i].name == "Karen"){
+ events.push(return_karen());
+ }
+ }
+ talk_count = 0;
+function createParty(size){
+ party = [];
+ for(var i = 0; i < size; i++){
+ party.push({
+ name: getRandomName(),
+ status: getStatus(""),
+ });
+ }
+ return party;
+var randomNames;
+var randomNameIndex = 0;
+function getRandomName(){
+ if(randomNames == undefined){
+ randomNames = [
+ "Mark",
+ "Matt",
+ "Bryce",
+ "Tanner",
+ "Shawn",
+ "Karen",
+ "Marge",
+ "Scoob",
+ "Ice Man",
+ "Thunder",
+ "Bandit",
+ "Rocky",
+ "Foxworthy",
+ "Cable Guy",
+ "Gus",
+ "Turntable",
+ "Hooch",
+ "Bugeyes",
+ "Kitty Kat",
+ "Hollywood",
+ "Skeeter",
+ "Archimedes",
+ "Ace",
+ "Doc",
+ "Flying Hog",
+ "Fatcat",
+ "Twitchy",
+ "Stank",
+ "Wagon Wheel",
+ "Ford",
+ "Bandit",
+ "The Gambler",
+ "Gygax",
+ "Janet",
+ "Jill",
+ "Stephanie",
+ "Albino Rhino",
+ "Rose",
+ "Martha",
+ "Ohio Queen",
+ "Charlie",
+ "Frank",
+ "Dale",
+ "Hank",
+ "Beatrice",
+ "Roxanne",
+ "Beatsy",
+ "Caroline",
+ "Mitch",
+ "Gerty",
+ "Ma'am",
+ "Smokey",
+ "Hoss",
+ "Bonney",
+ "Clyde",
+ "Sundace",
+ "Butch",
+ "Big Dunc",
+ "Chad",
+ "Diego",
+ "Slim-Jim",
+ "Dick",
+ "Rasputin",
+ "Gaston",
+ "Short Round",
+ "Long Schlong",
+ "Curtis",
+ "Egg",
+ ];
+ shuffle_array(randomNames);
+ }
+ return randomNames[randomNameIndex++];
+function getAliveMembers(){
+ return party.filter( el => (el.status != "Dead" && el.status != "Missing"));
+function getStatus(currentStatus, delta = undefined){
+ let statuses = {
+ "": { // Unset status just make good
+ "up": "Good",
+ "down": "Good"
+ },
+ "Good": {
+ "up": "Good",
+ "down": "Dire"
+ },
+ "Dire": {
+ "up": "Good",
+ "down": "Dead"
+ },
+ "Dead": {
+ "up": "Dead",
+ "down": "Dead"
+ },
+ };
+ if(delta == undefined){ // Initial
+ return "Good"
+ } else if(delta == 0){
+ return currentStatus;
+ } else if(delta > 0){
+ return statuses[currentStatus]["up"];
+ }
+ else if(delta < 0){
+ return statuses[currentStatus]["down"];
+ }
+function game() {
+ update();
+ draw();
+function update() {
+ if (ship.speed < 0){
+ ship.speed = 0;
+ }
+ switch(gameState){
+ case "main":
+ t++;
+ if(getAliveMembers().length == 0 || ship.fuel <= 0){
+ gameState = "gameover"
+ play_audio("alert");
+ pause_audio("bgm");
+ pause_audio("shop");
+ pause_audio("encounter");
+ play_audio("gameover", true);
+ return;
+ }
+ ship.distance++;
+ if(ship.distance >= (ship.end_distance - 1) && karen_finale){
+ currentEvent = karen_requiem();
+ selectedChoice = 0;
+ doAction = false;
+ eventResult = undefined;
+ gameState = "event";
+ pause_audio("bgm");
+ play_audio("alert");
+ play_audio("encounter", true);
+ karen_finale = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(ship.distance >= ship.end_distance){
+ gameState = "win"
+ play_audio("alert");
+ pause_audio("bgm");
+ pause_audio("shop");
+ pause_audio("encounter");
+ play_audio("endgame", true);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(t % ship.speed == 0){
+ ship.current_day++;
+ // Should run out of fuel around 176 days
+ if(ship.current_day % 3 == 0){
+ ship.fuel -= ship.rate;
+ }
+ // Check for event for today
+ if(lastEventDay + 3 < ship.current_day){
+ // chance any day 3 days after last event will be another event
+ if(random_chance(0.15)){
+ lastEventDay = ship.current_day;
+ currentEvent = get_event();
+ selectedChoice = 0;
+ doAction = false;
+ eventResult = undefined;
+ gameState = "event";
+ pause_audio("bgm");
+ play_audio("alert");
+ play_audio("encounter", true);
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for shop day
+ let progress = ship.distance/ship.end_distance
+ if(progress > ship.next_shop * .25){
+ ship.next_shop++;
+ currentShop = new Shop(ship);
+ selectedChoice = 0;
+ doAction = false;
+ doneShopping = false;
+ shopResult = undefined;
+ gameState = "shop";
+ pause_audio("bgm");
+ play_audio("alert");
+ play_audio("shop", true);
+ return
+ } else if(progress > ship.next_zone * .5 + .36){
+ if(ship.next_zone == 0){
+ currentEvent = hostiles_event()
+ } else {
+ currentEvent = asteroid_event()
+ }
+ lastEventDay = ship.current_day;
+ ship.next_zone++;
+ selectedChoice = 0;
+ doAction = false;
+ eventResult = undefined;
+ gameState = "event";
+ play_audio("alert");
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "event":
+ if(doAction){
+ eventResult = handle_event(currentEvent, selectedChoice, ship, party);
+ gameState = "event_result";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "shop":
+ if(doAction){ // TODO: Refactor this into method within shop.js
+ if (selectedChoice == 0){
+ shopResult = purchase_fuel(ship, currentShop);
+ gameState = "shop_result";
+ }
+ else if (selectedChoice == 1){
+ shopResult = fix_engine(ship, currentShop);
+ gameState = "shop_result";
+ }
+ else if (selectedChoice == 2){
+ shopResult = truck_talk(currentShop);
+ talked = true;
+ gameState = "shop_result";
+ }
+ else if (selectedChoice == 3){
+ shopResult = leave();
+ doneShopping = true;
+ if (talked){
+ talk_count += 1;
+ }
+ talked = false;
+ gameState = "shop_result";
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "gameover":
+ clearInterval(gameInterval);
+ break;
+ }
+function keyPush(e) {
+ if (gameState == "gameover" || gameState == "win") {
+ gameState = "title";
+ pause_audio("gameover");
+ pause_audio("endgame");
+ init();
+ return;
+ }
+ e.preventDefault()
+ if(imagesLoaded && gameState == "title") {
+ play_audio("select");
+ play_audio("bgm", true);
+ gameState = "setup";
+ return;
+ } else if(gameState == "setup" || gameState == "event_result"){
+ pause_audio("encounter");
+ play_audio("select");
+ play_audio("bgm", true);
+ gameState = "main";
+ return;
+ } else if (gameState == "shop_result"){
+ play_audio("select");
+ if (doneShopping == true){
+ gameState = "main";
+ pause_audio("shop");
+ play_audio("bgm", true);
+ return;
+ }
+ gameState = "shop";
+ selectedChoice = 0;
+ doAction = false;
+ shopResult = undefined;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (e.keyCode) {
+ case 38: // up
+ if(gameState == "event"){
+ selectedChoice--;
+ if(selectedChoice < 0){
+ selectedChoice = get_choices(currentEvent).length-1;
+ }
+ play_audio("move");
+ }
+ else if(gameState == "shop"){
+ selectedChoice--;
+ if(selectedChoice < 0){
+ selectedChoice = shop_choices(currentShop).length-1;
+ }
+ play_audio("move");
+ } else if(gameState == "options"){
+ if(selectedChoice == 1){
+ selectedChoice = 0;
+ } else {
+ selectedChoice = 1
+ }
+ play_audio("move");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 40: // down
+ if(gameState == "event"){
+ selectedChoice++;
+ if(selectedChoice >= get_choices(currentEvent).length){
+ selectedChoice = 0;
+ }
+ play_audio("move");
+ }
+ else if(gameState == "shop"){
+ selectedChoice++;
+ if(selectedChoice >= shop_choices(currentShop).length) {
+ selectedChoice = 0;
+ }
+ play_audio("move");
+ } else if(gameState == "options"){
+ if(selectedChoice == 1){
+ selectedChoice = 0;
+ } else {
+ selectedChoice = 1
+ }
+ play_audio("move");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 39: // right
+ if(gameState == "options"){
+ if(selectedChoice == 0){
+ var music_volume = audio[music[0]].volume
+ music_volume = Math.min(1, music_volume + .05).toFixed(2)
+ for(var song of music){
+ audio[song].volume = music_volume
+ }
+ } else {
+ var sfx_volume = audio[sfx[0]].volume
+ sfx_volume = Math.min(1, sfx_volume + .05).toFixed(2)
+ for(var song of sfx){
+ audio[song].volume = sfx_volume
+ }
+ play_audio("move");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 37: // left
+ if(gameState == "options"){
+ if(selectedChoice == 0){
+ var music_volume = audio[music[0]].volume
+ music_volume = Math.max(0, music_volume - .05).toFixed(2)
+ for(var song of music){
+ audio[song].volume = music_volume
+ }
+ } else {
+ var sfx_volume = audio[sfx[0]].volume
+ sfx_volume = Math.max(0, sfx_volume - .05).toFixed(2)
+ for(var song of sfx){
+ audio[song].volume = sfx_volume
+ }
+ play_audio("move");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 90: // z
+ if(gameState == "event" || gameState == "shop"){
+ doAction = true;
+ play_audio("select");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 88: // x
+ if(gameState == "status"){
+ gameState = "main";
+ play_audio("select");
+ } else if(gameState == "main"){
+ gameState = "status";
+ play_audio("select");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 32: // space
+ case 13: // enter
+ if(gameState == "options"){
+ gameState = "main";
+ play_audio("select");
+ } else if(gameState == "main"){
+ selectedChoice = 0;
+ gameState = "options";
+ play_audio("select");
+ }
+ break;
+ }